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There are 8 entries for Nutshell%20News, Nov, 1985:

Page Author Title How To?
p. 44 Emily Kendall The Chadwick Collection: Unknown Artisans No
p. 60 Ann Ruble Vince Stapleton's Remarkable Third Career No
p. 80 Roy J. Cousins Miniature Copperware With an English Accent Yes
p. 100 Mary Eccher Mary's Menus - Traditional Meal from America's Beginning Yes
p. 102 Hank Rosenthal Heart in Hand (needlepoint rug, blanket) Yes
p. 104 Marge Hart Paint and Frame Artwork Yes
p. 106 Joann Swanson Holiday Crockery Cookery Yes
p. 110 Louise Hedrick Porcelain Primer: Outfitting the Jumeau Yes