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There are 17 entries for Small Talk, May, 1978:

Page Author Title How To?
p. 1 No author Letters to the Editor No
p. 4 No author The Unveiling of Carolyn Sunstein's Museum No
p. 5 Shirley Hillhouse A Glint of Gold in Every Home - An Introduction to Stenciled Decoration Yes
p. 7 Jim Hillhouse Three Drawer Stenciled Cottage Chest (c. 1840) Yes
p. 11 Shirley Hillhouse Stenciling in Miniature Yes
p. 13 Jim Dorsett Profile of a Craftsman: Jim & Shirley Hillhouse No
p. 13 Mary Wiley Craftsman of the Month Henry Taylor Yes
p. 17 Kathy Sevebeck Color in the Common Place Yes
p. 18 Kathy Sevebeck Substitute Rugs Yes
p. 22 Kathy Sevebeck A Conversation with Harry Whalon yes
p. 25 No author To Err is Human (errata, corrections) yes
p. 26 Barbara F. Blauman A Bed-Sitting Room Pt 1- Artistic License in Miniatures (Room Box construction) Yes
p. 30 Jim Jedlicka Now You See It, Now You Don't - Hidden Wiring in the Pre-Fab Miniature House Yes
p. 36 Jim Dorsett Profile of a Craftsman: Jim & Harriet Jedlicka No
p. 38 Marcia DuBose 1931 Dutch Colonial House Yes
p. 42 No author Beginner's Workshop - Assembling a Square Carcase Yes
p. 49 No author Product Reviews Yes