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There are 23 entries for Nutshell News, Oct, 1992:

Page Author Title How To?
p. 5 Jim Dorsett New Lebanon Shaker Sewing Room (c.1850's to 1880's) Yes
p. 7 Jim Dorsett Shaker Sewing Desk (c. 1786-1900) Yes
p. 11 Jim Dorsett Shaker Swivel Sewing Stool (Mount Lebanon Shaker, c.1850) Yes
p. 14 Tamara Brooks Hanging Spool Rack (Shaker c.1850's to 1880's) Yes
p. 16 Wayne Lasch Shaker-Style Bench (c.1850's to 1880's) Yes
p. 17 Don Heuer R.F. Stevens Portable Folding Reed Organ (c. 1853) Yes
p. 21 Jim Dorsett Chippendale Basin Stand (c. 1770-1780) Yes
p. 25 Peter F. Westcott Southwestern Room Box (c. 17th C) (Part 2) Yes
p. 30 Fred Stephenson Architect's Angle - One Step At a Time Yes
p. 33 Jim Dorsett Two Spanish Antiques...Gate-Leg Table and Low Joined Stool Yes
p. 39 Tamara Brooks Using a Jeweler's Saw (Beginner's Workbench) Yes
p. 40 Anne Day Smith Haunted Image Yes
p. 41 William S. Miller Drawing To an Inside Straight - Octagonal Card Table Yes
p. 45 Ruth Armstrong The J.J. Deal Buggy (Part 3) Yes
p. 49 Tom Steiger Of Fiberglass & Dental Burrs Yes
p. 50 Anne Day Smith House Bootiful Yes
p. 60 Sybil Harp Psycho House Yes
p. 80 June Fuerstenhaefer Scarier by the Dozen Yes
p. 86 Chris Dukeman Christmas All Year Long: Christmas in the Colonies Yes
p. 92 Ron Benson Kit Renderings - Make a Federal Case Yes
p. 96 Joann Swanson Along the Mall XIX (Let's Pretend Costume shop) Yes
p. 113 Sue Mattson Small Talk Q & A Series Yes
p. 117 Jim Newman Workshop Wisdom Yes