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There are 9 entries for Nutshell News, Oct, 1985:

Page Author Title How To?
p. 44 Anne Day Smith Carolyn Sunstein: Specializing in the Past No
p. 56 Emily Kendall The Chadwick Collection: Who were They? No
p. 66 Ginger Dick Arto Monaco Wondermaker No
p. 70 Elizabeth Ellsworth This Grandma Believes in Santa Claus No
p. 79 No author Show Scene No
p. 100 Joann Swanson Happy Birthday, Picasso Yes
p. 102 Mary Eccher Mary's Menus - Favorites from the Pulpy Ol' Pumpkin Yes
p. 104 Dee Snyder This Little Mini Went to Market Yes
p. 106 Leslie Dremel A Brooke Tucker Original Yes