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There are 38 entries for Dollhouse Miniatures, May/Jun, 2020:

Page Author Title How To?
p. 6 Elize Van Es Upcycling Bottles yes
p. 7 Deb Weissler Lil Hyttnas No
p. 10 Joan McKenzie The Bed Chamber No
p. 14 Joan Mackenzie Stained Glass Lamps No
p. 16 Pam North Cookbook Room Box No
p. 20 Joan Mackenzie Discovering a Talent No
p. 22 Helen Holland Miniature Retreat No
p. 26 Joan McKenzie Mini Fashion No
p. 26 Pam North Flowers Get Smaller No
p. 30 Sadie Brown Mini Slippers yes
p. 30 Pam North Speaking Volumes No
p. 34 Sadie Brown The Art of Life No
p. 34 Deb Weissler Painted Furniture No
p. 41 Joan Mackenzie Master Leather Work No
p. 42 Karen Hritz Memories of Mama No
p. 44 Randall Castle Kitchen Hutch (Part 2) yes
p. 46 Michelle Hay-Leeds Grand Dining Room No
p. 48 Tanja Jensen Sparkling Mini Ring Yes
p. 50 Kris Compas Wall Cabinet yes
p. 50 No author Artists Gallery No
p. 54 Auralea Krieger The Kinfeld No
p. 57 Sherredawn Miller Quick Room Box yes
p. 60 Alan Ansty Builder's Dollhouse No
p. 62 Sophia Dalton Green Thumb No
p. 67 No author Mini Cutouts Yes
p. 70 Grace Shaw Small Scale Landscape yes
p. 71 Tanya Waughman Making Cheese (Part 1) Yes
p. 73 Karen Hritz Ball of Yarn yes
p. 75 Kris Compas A Fashionable Light Yes
p. 76 Kleine Artchin Tile Coasters yes
p. 80 Kate Santichen Tulips for Mom yes
p. 81 Margaret Alford Sweet as a Nut No
p. 82 Emanuela Sundell Mini Cake yes
p. 85 No author Snippets yes
p. 90 Elke Skinner Flower Display yes
p. 92 Nicola Smith Sweet Dreams yes
p. 94 Debbie Anweiler Floral Accents yes
p. 95 Debbie Booth Pin Cushion yes